The Cause and Effect Law
It is a multidisciplinary research and review paper and borrows ideas from philosophy, physics, mathematics, engineering, economics, medicine, soul theory, etc. The soul theory is very well known and is thoroughly described in both Vedas and Bible. The article also shows that all major ideas of the Vedas, at least ten of them, are also there in the Bible. That means there was a time when Vedas were known all over the world. Thus the soul theory is not a new age concept; it is an ancient age concept. The article shows that the truth does not have a territory; it is universal, unique, and eternal. Therefore it will be wrong to treat any subject in isolation. If we do, then that subject will be wrong for both nature and engineering, and also for the authors and for the society. To make it readable, understandable, and self-contained the article has become long. The cause and effect law is probably the least understood law by the academic community. Yet, it is the highest level law describing the global plan of the universe. We start with Newton’s third law, called the action-reaction law. But then we find that this law has an assumption of isolated environment, and therefore it is inadequate to describe life. So we eliminate that assumption and extend it to the simultaneous action-reaction of all objects of the universe. It now becomes somewhat meaningful, but still the universe cannot be understood. It does not tell us, in principle, how to incorporate into the existing global plan of the universe, the activities related to the reincarnation of all objects. Then we modify the law farther, using the soul theory, for all time, past present and future, to explain the complete global plan over the entire space and time of the universe. We find that there are two root causes for everything, and an amazing result – effect is ever existent. That is, there is a 3D-video memory of the universe, which anyone can see at any time. Simply speaking, this is a consequence of reincarnation. But we have to acquire an ancient skill, called yogic power, clearly described in the Bible and the Vedas, which is a part of the soul theory. There are modern people who can watch this 3D-video and predict the future events exactly with all details, without any assumptions and approximations. We give one such modern example. We will see that the cause and effect law, simultaneity law, memory in the universe, global plan, destiny law, are all synonyms. That is if one is proven or observed then all are proven. This final result, the destiny law, already exists in both Bible and Vedas. Since it is destiny, nobody should be blamed for anything that happens in the universe and on earth. Simultaneity means we are all equally responsible, not just for now, but for the entire space-time events.
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