Marketing on Consumers’ Hand. Determinants of Mobile Marketing Adoption Among Aging Population in Tanzania (The Case of Unguja)

  • Nuru Maulid Haji PhD Student Open University of Tanzania, Tanzania
  • Nasra Kara Supervisor, Open University of Tanzania, Tanzania
  • Salum Mohammed Supervisor, Open University of Tanzania, Tanzania
Keywords: Aging Population; Intention; Adoption; Mobile Marketing Tanzania


the comunication revolution has changed the way of life people used to live in. However, youth become mobile savvier than others in socal and business activities.Thus business opt for mobile channel to communicte marketing strategy to the consumers though their hands.Studies investigated user adoption of mobile channel in marketing communicaion fcued on youth and adultswhile there is limited knowledge on factors affecting aging population intention to adopt mobile marketing. Through TAM model extended to incorporate technology anxietyas the additional perception affecting behavioral intention to  adopt technology innovation. the cross- sectional survey used to collect data from 384 retired  pensioners in Unguja,Tanzania.then anayzed through SEM method.Results shows that all variable have direct effect except attitude variable rather have a significant partial mediation role between aging percpetions and their intetion to adopt mobile marketing. from the results it was suggested that business should focus of technology anxiety  such that to provide necessary information for the predetermined risk and not neccesarily to build positive attitude of the channel. these findings have paramount implication and value to mobile marekting vendor to prepare marekting strategies to win bigger market share.

How to Cite
Haji, N., Kara, N., & Mohammed, S. (2024). Marketing on Consumers’ Hand. Determinants of Mobile Marketing Adoption Among Aging Population in Tanzania (The Case of Unguja). International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 7(2), 126-139.