Victim Protection Against Acts of Fraud on the Phenomenon of Coldplay Concert Jakarta Victimology Perspective

  • Martini Martini Muhammadiyah Palembang University, Indonesia
  • Darmadi Djufri Muhammadiyah Palembang University, Indonesia
Keywords: Fraud; Victim Protection; Victimology


This research aims to analyze what are the factors of victimization of victims of fraud via social media and what forms of legal protection exist for victims of fraud via social media. This research is a type of normative legal research using a conceptual approach, a statutory approach, and a case approach. The Coldplay Jakarta concert acknowledged several problems during the concert, especially the ticket issue which was widely highlighted by netizens. Harry explained that the problem started because of the increasing number of spectators who bought tickets through brokers. This practice caused some tickets to become duplicates because they were held by more than one person. Regarding brokers or secondary ticketing, this is indeed one of the biggest and most difficult problems or challenges for us to face on concert days. In cases of online fraud, victims often demand more material compensation from the perpetrator to get their rights returned because of the losses suffered by the victim himself and the form of accountability of the perpetrator of online fraud. However, this has not been fully realized because no one has legally regulated how to compensate victims of online fraud themselves.

How to Cite
Martini, M., & Djufri, D. (2024). Victim Protection Against Acts of Fraud on the Phenomenon of Coldplay Concert Jakarta Victimology Perspective. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 7(1), 310-317.