The Peculiarities of Maqom Art in Uzbekistan

  • Shakhnoza Ayxodjaeva Candidate of Arts, Associate Professor, State Conservatory of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Uzbekistan; Khorezm; Bukhara; Maqom; Khorezm Tanbur Line; Sheet Music; Music; Suvora; Naqsh; Faryod; Sayri Gulshan; Muqaddima; Measurement; Weight; Method


This article examines the Khorezm maqoms, which represent one of the primary maqom types found in Uzbekistan. Specifically, it focuses on the production of Music-like songs within this maqom tradition, including Suvora, Naqsh, Faryod, Sayri Gulshan, and Muqaddima. The study delves into a theoretical and analytical exploration of these musical pieces. In addition, this study examines the “Maqom Suvorasi” within the “Khorazm Tanbur Line,” a distinctive musical notation associated with the Khorezm oasis. A comparative analysis is conducted between its representation in current music editions, elucidating both its shared characteristics and distinguishing features. In the Khorezm oasis, it has been observed that both the status suvoras and the “Suvora” series are present as distinct musical genres.


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How to Cite
Ayxodjaeva, S. (2023). The Peculiarities of Maqom Art in Uzbekistan. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 6(11), 407-411.