Analysis of Local Gastronomy to Become the Positioning of Tourism Destination (Case Study of Merangkat Chicken in Bilebante Tourism Village, Central Lombok)
Local gastronomy has become one of the tourist attractions so that it can be the positioning of a destination. The aims of this research are (1) To identify the philosophical and community’s social values contained in Merangkat Chicken Dishes in Bilebante Green Tourism Village; (2) Investigating the realization of the philosophical and social values that are believed by the community in the Merangkat Chicken dish in Bilebante Green Tourism Village; (3) Analyzing the potential of locality as an indicator of determining the positioning of tourism destinations in Bilebante Green Tourism Village. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The sample or informant selection technique was carried out using snowball sampling, namely the technique of taking informants with a small initial number and gradually became many as needed. The data analysis technique used is triangulation technique, namely by checking back with the informant. The results showed that Merangkat Chicken is a typical food from the Sasak tribe of Lombok which is served when a man has taken a girl who will be his wife to run away with him (locally called Selarian, a traditional procession of marriage/Merari belongs of Sasak Tribe) or commonly known as mangan merangkat as a dish of gratitude and joy to welcome and accept the presence of new family members. The local values contained in Merangkat Chicken dish are reflected in local gastronomic attractions, including raw materials, processing (cooking process) the distinctive flavors of the dish, food serving/Begibung using a tray, and shown by ethics, manners and hospitality services to guests. The Merangkat Chicken dish has an authentic, iconic, unique and distinctive characteristics with the locality of the local community being a competitive advantage to be the positioning of the tourism destination of Bilebante. This culinary quality needs to be improved through gastronomic tourist attractions with the support of the government and all stakeholders so as to bring in more tourists.
Copyright (c) 2022 Hastuti Nurhayati, Akhmad Saufi, Baiq Handayani Rinuastuti

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