A Grapho-Stylistic Analysis of Paragraphing in E.D.M. Sibiya’s Novels

  • Sizwe Zwelakhe Dlamini Department of African Languages, Faculty of Humanities, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa
Keywords: Paragraphing; Graphology; Linguistic Stylistics; Novel


The aim of this article is to investigate the different types of paragraphs in E.D.M. Sibiya’s novels, namely: Kungasa Ngifile (2002), Ngidedele Ngife (2006), and Ngiyolibala Ngifile (2010). While Sibiya uses different paragraphs for artistic effects in his novels, there seems to be no study, so far, that has been done to investigate this aspect of his works. Since the study is a grapho-stylistic analysis, this implies that the focus is on the stylistic significance of paragraphing as graphological feature in the analysed novels. The findings of the study will reveal that Sibiya uses descriptive paragraphs for, among other reasons, imagery purposes while rhetorical inquiry paragraphs are employed for the purpose of engaging readers when a text is read. It was also discovered, on the other hand, that the narrative and dialogue paragraphs are used as narrative techniques, which contribute to the overall narration in the novels. This analysis is done through linguistic stylistics, with Ngara’s linguistic format as a base. 


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How to Cite
Zwelakhe Dlamini, S. (2023). A Grapho-Stylistic Analysis of Paragraphing in E.D.M. Sibiya’s Novels. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 6(10), 270-281. https://doi.org/10.47814/ijssrr.v6i10.1680