The Effect of Mobile Marketing Adoption on the Growth of Food Processing SMEs in Zanzibar City
This study aimed to examine the effect of mobile marketing adoption on the growth of Food Processing SMEs in Zanzibar City, using the Technology Acceptance Model. The research design employed was descriptive in nature. Simple random sampling was utilized to select participants for the study. Both primary and secondary data were collected. The quantitative data was subjected to multivariate data analysis, including descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple linear regression analysis. The results revealed that customers' perceived usefulness of mobile marketing positively influenced SMEs' growth. Additionally, customers' perceived ease of use of mobile marketing showed a positive effect on SMEs' growth, and behavior intention towards mobile marketing had a positive impact on SMEs' growth. The study recommends further research beyond Zanzibar City to allow for comparisons and to validate or challenge the findings regarding the effect of mobile marketing adoption.
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