Long-Term Alternative Strategies for Implementation in Water-Stressed Informal Settlements: A Case Study of Skiti in Mnquma Local Municipality
This study seeks to improve water service provision in informal settlements and ensuring universal access to water by implementing sustainable strategies. South Africa has proposed several policies to alleviate water scarcity in informal settlements to ensure that individuals receive potable water. However, water provision challenges are underpinning the Amathole District Municipality, and water provision in the Mnquma Local Municipality has been unsatisfactory, particularly in informal settlements, even before Covid-19. Interview and focus- groups were employed to collect data and thematic analysis was adopted to analyse the data. The study purposefully selected a sample from the Skiti informal settlement in Butterworth, an area that is currently facing water challenges. A sample of fifteen (N=15) participants were used for this study. Ten are community members and the remaining five are officials from the Mnquma Local Municipality. The study provided the findings and recommendations to help the Mnquma Local Municipality to improve water service provision in informal settlements.
Copyright (c) 2023 T. C. Maramura, A Mena, S Mahlala

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