Implementation of the Policy on Child Criminals with a Restorative Justice Approach as a Protection form on the Rights of the Child

  • Rikat Iqbal Setiaji Master of Law, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
  • Irma Cahyaningtyas Master of Law, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Keywords: Criminal Child; Diversion; Restorative Justice


Criminal children are crimes committed by minors according to the regulations of the law. Behavior perpetrated by the child and is categorized as a crime the dilator is backfaced by many factor, both internal and factor external. This is why children in general are also categorized as victims of certain elements. It is most likely that a child commits a criminal and then encourages the state to create an instrument of law that regulates the matter. The laws of the child's justice system appear as a guide in dealing with and dealing with children who commit criminal ACTS. It not only governs its judicial system but also notices the kinds of rights that cannot be removed from the child. Presented as an ideal state to preserve the right of a child to be able to live well. Presented as the child's psychological and social order. Implementation of a restorative justice approach is expected to be a solution for children involved in criminal crimes. This is hereby defined as considering that criminal law is the last passage used to settle a problem by any other word criminal law is ultimum remidium so that when there are other alternative roads that are better.


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How to Cite
Setiaji, R. I., & Cahyaningtyas, I. (2023). Implementation of the Policy on Child Criminals with a Restorative Justice Approach as a Protection form on the Rights of the Child. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 6(8), 262-273.