Strategic Partnerships and Organizational Performance of Broadcasters in Kenya
The performance of broadcasters has struggled with the economic implications of the digital disruption, the mobile telephony and the advent of social media compelling managers to rethink and recalibrate their strategies while radio and television stations have shut down their operations in the recent times in Kenya. The overall objective of the study was to determine the influence of strategic partnerships on the organizational performance of broadcasters in Kenya. The study was underpinned by the Igor Ansoff’s theory and resource based view theory. A correlation and descriptive research design was adopted. The target population comprised of 239 radio and TV station mangers drawn from 167 radio and 72 television stations. Simple random sampling was applied. The sample size of the study was 179 respondents. Results revealed a strong significant relationship between strategic partnerships and operational performance (r=0.667; P<0.000). Study concludes: strategic partnership has got a significant influence on organizational performance.
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