Village Regulation as A Participation-Based Development Instrument In Indonesia
(Field Study in Ngroto Village, Malang Regency, East Java)
The implementation of village government in Indonesia cannot be separated from the existence of village regulations. The Village Regulation is a legal and policy framework in the administration of Village Government and Village Development. The contents of a village regulation are an elaboration of the various authorities possessed by the village referring to the provisions of higher laws and regulations. However, at the practical level, village administration is often carried out as it is without any standard and clear provisions. Village regulations have a strategic role in participatory village development efforts, including synergizing village development with central and local government programs. Therefore, by using this type of sociological legal research, this study describes the reality of the obstacles faced in forming village regulations, factors that affect the effectiveness of village regulations, and proposes how to conceptualize effective village regulations as participatory village development instruments. Meanwhile, the village area that is the object of this research is Ngroto Village, Pujon District, Malang Regency, East Java Province, Republic of Indonesia. The results of the study indicate that there are still obstacles in the effort to form village regulations, namely the lack of optimal identification of the urgency of the substance to be regulated in the draft village regulations, the lack of community involvement in providing direct input to the draft village regulations, and the lack of information related to the draft village regulations that will be drafted. formed. In addition, it turns out that there are still obstacles in socializing the village regulations that have been ratified. To overcome these obstacles, an effective village regulation concept is needed, namely by optimizing community participation in the formation of statutory regulation, because legislation based on community participation can have effective performance and effectiveness.
Copyright (c) 2022 Abdul Madjid, Triya Indra Rahmawan, Galieh Damayanti

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