Textual Value of an Ethiopic Woman Hagiography: Gädlä St. Fəqərtä Krəstos
The hagiography of St. FƏqƏrtä KrƏstos is a 17th c. manuscript and as a local Saint hagiography, it was written in the Ethiopian manuscript tradition by an Ethiopian scribe. The hagiography of saints in Ethiopia is a main literary genre that has invaluable evidences about the saints’ period in a unique form. It provides information about the major events that had taken place relating to the life, works, miracles and the various spiritual struggles of men and women saints. In addition to that it also describes about the bishops, the political situation, the Kings, the name of several places of that time,. . . and the events relating to the life of the saint. Therefore, hagiographies are important genre for the contemporary religious life and in general for the history of the country. It is rich in vital information used as a source material to social, historical, cultural, political, geographical, architectural, archeological, theological, linguistic, philological, and different fields of studies. The hagiography of St. FƏqƏrtä KƏrstos provides information for different study and as a hagiography of a local woman saint; it is a pivotal text for gender study. It shows how women were strong spirit in monastic life and struggling in defending their faith and country. This article is a part of the PhD dissertation work of the main author of this article at Addis Ababa University on a prominent Ethiopian woman saint with the title of “Gädlä St. FƏqƏrtä KrƏstos: Critical Edition with Annotated Translation.”
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