The Impact of Chinese Government’s Geopolitical System in Africa and Asia
China overtook the US as sub-Saharan Africa’s biggest trading partner with its interest vested in Africa‘s reserves that have witnessed Angola ranked as China’s second-largest oil supplier. The trade between China and African countries grew rapidly. Many African leaders compliment China for its contributions to their country’s infrastructure, highlighting visible improvements that have contributed to the expanded economic activities. However, many scholars argue that China’s involvement in the African continent is solely to take advantage of the available natural resources since it managed to identify most of the African countries’ shortcomings in relation to managing their natural resources. African countries have natural resources, but they are impoverished and defined by financial constraints. Most governments do not have adequate skills to convert raw materials into finished products for export purposes. China is funding most African countries through loans and investments as its strategic thrust to infiltrate the African continent to lure African countries into forming alliances. Financial stability in Africa is a common fundamental problem faced by several countries. As a result of that, the study envisages investigating the authenticity of the provision of China‘s direct Foreign Investment in Africa. The main objective of the study is to investigate the impact of the geopolitical system in the African continent with specific reference to the Republic of China. The study adopted a desktop approach relying heavily on secondary data that is extracted from journal articles, electronic sources, and textbooks.
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