Human Resource Development on Employee Work Ethic in the Direktorat Tindak Pidana Umum Bareskrim Polri
Work ethic affects how an institution can achieve its desired goals. Therefore, human resource development is needed to improve the work ethic of employees. This study aims to determine the extent of human resource development in improving the work ethic of employees in The Direktorat Tindak Pidana Umum Bareskrim Polri Jakarta. Using a qualitative descriptive method, the research employed observation and interviews as data collection tools. Interviews were conducted with a supervisor from The Direktorat Tindak Pidana Umum Bareskrim Polri Jakarta. The study draws upon Mondy et al.'s (1999) theory related to work performance measurement. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that all the indicators adapted by this study were achieved by the employees in The Direktorat Tindak Pidana Umum Bareskrim Polri Jakarta.
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