About The History of Imam Al–Bukhari Complex

  • Ibodat Gafforovna Sattarova Senior Teacher, Uzbekistan–Finland Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Hadith; Mausoleum; Imam Al–Bukhari; Library; Mosque; Scientific Center; History; National and Religious Values; Creative Samples; Religious Inscriptions


This article provides information based on extensive and detailed resources about the scientific activity of Imam al–Bukhari, his contribution to the science of hadith, creative samples and works, as well as the history of the creation of the complex of al–Bukhari, where the great scholar was buried, and the renovation work that is currently being carried out in the complex. The complex includes a large mosque, a museum decorated with various religious inscriptions, a mausoleum, a library with a collection of the most famous creative examples of Imam al–Bukhari and fundamental works reflecting Islamic etiquette, as well as International Scientific Research Center.


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How to Cite
Sattarova, I. G. (2023). About The History of Imam Al–Bukhari Complex. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 6(5), 471-474. https://doi.org/10.47814/ijssrr.v6i5.1324