Bugis Ethnic Migration Strategy Increasing Sembako Kiosks Business in Kayu Putih Village, Kupang City

  • Baco Tang Social and Political Science Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kupang, Indonesia
  • Idris idris Social and Political Science Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kupang, Indonesia
  • Aries Isnandar Faculty of Law, Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, Indonesia
Keywords: Siri & Pesse Culture; Bugis Ethnic Groceries Seller Strategy


The number of ethnic Bugis in the city of Kupang is 6,652 people, most of whom live in traditional markets, namely the Inpres Naikoten I market, Oeba market, Oesapa market. Bugis ethnic migrants consider that there is still a lot of potential that has not been developed and has not been optimally managed by the indigenous people, such as in trade, fisheries and other businesses,Local cultural values ​​that are interrelated in shaping the personality of the Bugis people which have an impact on their behavior such as Siri', Pesse', Getteng, Asitinajang, Lempu, Acca. Reso, effort, effort in achieving a goal. These local cultural values ​​function as a dynamist for the success of Bugis entrepreneurs, spurring their enthusiasm to compete in conducting business activities that enable them to succeed. The dynamics of these seven values ​​are as follows: for the Bugis, working hard (reso) is a way to maintain siri' (self-esteem). In working always determined (getteng) to finish the job. While working, always maintain the norms (lempu) and try to find alternatives to complete work intelligently and creatively (acca). After all the efforts (reso) done; just surrendered to God's destiny, but he is sure that God's destiny will not come without effort. After being successful in his business, he enjoys spending reasonably (asitinajang) and part of it is used to support relatives in need (pesse').

Author Biography

Baco Tang, Social and Political Science Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kupang, Indonesia


How to Cite
Tang, B., idris, I., & Isnandar, A. (2023). Bugis Ethnic Migration Strategy Increasing Sembako Kiosks Business in Kayu Putih Village, Kupang City. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 6(6), 271-278. https://doi.org/10.47814/ijssrr.v6i6.1302