Directions and Prospects of Modern Transport Logistics in Our Country

  • Shukrullo Lutfullaev Senior Teacher, Lieutenant Colonel, Customs Institute of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan
  • Oybek Nabi ogli Rakhimov Cadet, Customs Institute of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Transport Industry; Innovative Development;Trans–Market;Transit Potential; Characteristic Trend; Logistics System


Today, the market of transport logistics services is actively developing in our country. The field of cargo transportation and storage in Uzbekistan has great prospects for development. Every year, thanks to the efforts of our state, transport networks are expanding and improving. Air, rail and road transport are the three pillars of the transport system of Uzbekistan. This article deals with directions of use in modern transport logistics in our country and their prospects.


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How to Cite
Lutfullaev, S., & Rakhimov, O. N. ogli. (2023). Directions and Prospects of Modern Transport Logistics in Our Country. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 6(5), 342-347.