Regulation Model of Corn Trade System Based on Farmer Protection
Farmers in the trade chain for agricultural commodities, including corn, are in the weakest position compared to other parties. As a result, the trading system often does not take sides or even tends to harm farmers from year to year. Therefore, state intervention is needed in the context of evaluation which will lead to the reformulation of regulations regarding the maize trade system. Farmers are certainly an important element in realizing food security in this country. Therefore, this research was conducted to produce a regulatory model regarding the corn trade system which has unequivocal support for the protection of farmers. The purpose of this research is to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the current regulatory model, both by the central government and by local governments. To the corn trade system and find a model of corn trading system regulation based on protection for farmers. The research method used in this research is qualitative research and doctrinal legal research with several approaches, namely: statutory approach, analytical approach, and case approach with data collected through literature study and combined with empirical research (field research). This research is very important and useful for stakeholders (especially for farmers, entrepreneurs, and the government) as well as legislators in formulating policies on the trading system of agricultural commodities, especially corn which can ensure that farmers get serious attention and protection from the state.
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