The Concept, Nature and Content of Diplomatic Activity, Diplomatic Service and Diplomatic Law in the Modern Period

  • Malikakhon Ulugbekovna Tursunova Associate Professor, Tashkent State University of Law, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Foreign Policy; Diplomatic Service; Diplomatic Law; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Bodies of External Relations; Vienna Conventions; Diplomatic Representation; Draft Law “on The Diplomatic Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan”


This article examines the essence of the concepts of diplomatic service and diplomatic law, the legal status, rights, privileges and obligations of diplomatic missions and their employees. Also, the international and national legal bases of diplomatic activity are analyzed and proposals are made for improving the legislation.


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How to Cite
Tursunova, M. U. (2023). The Concept, Nature and Content of Diplomatic Activity, Diplomatic Service and Diplomatic Law in the Modern Period. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 6(5), 115-121.