Public Service Transformation at Karimun District Police
The National Police's image has been negatively impacted by the behavior of some police officers who fail to follow the applicable procedures, which has resulted in a loss of public trust. As a competent state apparatus, the National Police is responsible for maintaining security and order, enforcing the law, and providing protection and services for the public interest. To meet the expectations of the community, the National Police has implemented strategic initiatives to revive its image, including providing excellent service and increasing public trust. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of the transformation of public services at the Karimun District Police as part of the National Police's initiative to increase public trust and improve its image. This study employs a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach to examine the transformation of public services at the Karimun Police. The study's findings demonstrate that the extensive transformation of Polri services at the Karimun Police has been effective, with all stages of the revitalization of the National Police being completed comprehensively in accordance with the stated objectives.
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