Exploring the Use of Restorative Justice in Criminal Cases of Fraud and Embezzlement: A Study in Surabaya Police Area, Indonesia
In recent years, restorative justice has gained attention as an alternative approach to resolving criminal cases of fraud and embezzlement. The aim of restorative justice is to restore justice by promoting dialogue and agreement between the perpetrator and the victim, with the hope of reducing the number of prisoners and reintegrating the perpetrator into society. This study focuses on exploring the use of restorative justice in criminal cases of fraud and embezzlement in the Surabaya Police Area, Indonesia. Using an observational research approach, data was collected through interviews with relevant stakeholders. The study reveals that the adoption of restorative justice in resolving criminal cases of fraud and embezzlement is hindered by the lack of legal foundation similar to the Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code. Furthermore, the findings indicate that the application of restorative justice alone may not be sufficient in reducing criminal behavior. Therefore, it is recommended that the sentencing policy be revised for the purpose of resolving such cases. This research provides valuable insights into the potential and limitations of restorative justice in the context of criminal cases of fraud and embezzlement.
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