Handling of Sexual Violence against Psychologically Traumatized Children by the Women's and Children's Service Unit at the West Jakarta Metro Police Station
The occurrence of criminal acts of sexual violence is evidence of the vulnerability of women's position, especially against men's sexual interests. Women and children's sexual image as male sexual objects have far-reaching implications, forcing them to face violence, coercion, physical torture, and psychological trauma. This study aims to investigate how the PPA unit or Women and Child Protection of the West Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim (Criminal Investigation Unit) handles cases of child sexual abuse involving psychologically traumatized children and to identify obstacles faced by the PPA unit in handling cases of sexual violence against children experiencing psychological trauma. This study adopts an exploratory qualitative approach to investigate the relationship between symptoms and forms of handling child sexual abuse cases involving psychologically traumatized children at the PPA Unit in the West Jakarta Metro Police. Police science research combines elements from various fields of knowledge, and the qualitative research method allows for a deep understanding of human behavior. Data were collected through interviews, observation, and document review, and analyzed using the triangulation method. The findings revealed that the PPA unit of the West Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit handles cases of child sexual abuse, providing medical-psychological treatment and rescue action for traumatized witnesses. Obstacle factors in handling such cases include difficulty in finding information, especially non-physical sexual violence, and requesting child testimony. The absence of psychological competence in investigators requires outside experts, causing further coordination and additional time with no direct police control over the assessment method.
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