The Effect of a Narcotics Crime as a Transnational Crime in Southeast Asia Region
Narcotics crime is an organized crime and against the law. Transnational crime which is a form of crime whose scope crosses national borders. This causes the development of narcotics crime very rapidly and occurs in various countries in the world. Narcotics Crime needs to be eradicated completely, the effects it can cause can damage the golden generation of a nation because it becomes an obstacle in the development of intelligence of the nation's generation. This study aims to determine the effects arising from the development of narcotics crime as one of the transnational crimes and to determine the efforts made by the state in dealing with narcotics crime. This study uses a normative approach. Narcotics abuse has a very negative impact on humans, because narcotics are a big problem for the whole nation. Narcotics cause various effects for the Southeast Asian region, destroying the nation's generation, unstable security, economic downturn, and wars, cooperation between ASEAN countries is a solution to hinder the development of narcotics in Southeast Asia.
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