Some Scientific Views of the Leader and Leadership Activity and Their Characteristics in the History of Socio–Political Administration in Uzbekistan
The article analyses and opinions are given about the tasks, qualities, intelligence, characteristics of leadership and leaders in the history of our country and the works created by individual scientists, and the need to use them creatively today. In the works of scientists like Abu Nasr Farabi, Yusuf Khos Khajib, state leaders and figures–Nizamulmulk, Amir Temur, the qualities of a leader, the ideas of a true state being formed on the basis of three things–a virtuous society, a just system and a just leader, generosity, kindness, passion, entrepreneurial spirit. Attention is paid to the features of a leader such as intelligence, knowledge, insight, and issues such as the methods and ways of managing the state, who to rely on in the management of the state, and the duties and tasks of the leaders.
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Shayx Muhammad Sodiq Muhammad Yusuf: Amir Temur va islom. // https://ww–temur–va–islom.

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