The Legal Politics of Regulation Number 1 of 1974 and Regulation Number 16 of 2019 About Marriage Relate to the Age Requirement for Marriage
Practically living together begins with marriage to form a family. The government should set a minimum age for marriage in order to achieve legal certainty. Chapter 7 verses (1) the marriage law states that "marriage is permitted only when the male side reaches the age of 19 (nineteen) and the female reaches the age of 16 (sixteen)." In the administration of the age of marriage continues to be a problem because it is thought to curb the fulfillment of the constitutional rights of citizens, especially those of children. For the sake of recognition, protection and the fulfillment of children's basic rights, the purpose of such incidents is for children's rights. The writing method used in this paper is normatif yuridis, the writing specs in this paper are analytical descriptive. As for the data obtained through the study of the document relating to the regulations of the law, the constitutional court ruling and the journal/scientific article. The laws of the establishment of marriage laws are based on a philosophical, civic and sociological basis, and upon principles in the establishment of the best legislation and principles of interest for a child. On his way to the political law on the marriage act, there are twice yudicial review and there are many differences between the first and second review, and the judge granted the application on the second yudicial review. The politics of the law enforcement of the marriage act need to be enforced by regard for law factors, law enforcement factors, means or facilities, community and cultural factors.
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