The Future of Halal Products Warranties Following the Passage of Law Number 11 of 2020 about Job Creation Based on Wael B. Hallaq
This article aims to photograph the arrangements for guaranteeing halal products in Indonesia after the birth of the Job Creation Law. Then this paper will also look at the future of halal product assurance in Indonesia from the perspective of Fiqh of Priority. This article is a normative legal study with a statutory and conceptual approach. This article concludes that 24 Halal Product Guarantee Law provisions have changed after the Job Creation Law's passage, which includes the halal certification process, halal inspectors and auditors, halal supervisors, and threats of sanctions. Changes to some of these provisions do not fundamentally change the spirit of the protection of the halal guarantee itself, and the changes are only at the technical level of the process of implementing halal products. The changes make it easier for businesses to obtain halal certification for their products. In Wael B. Hallaq’s perspective, one form of change and development of Islamic law includes efforts to positivise Islamic law into state law. The positivization of halal law in the form of a law on halal products which has never been implemented in the past is a form of change and continuation of Islamic law itself in the present which is faced with the urgent needs of modern Muslim society.
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