Analysing The Meaning Of Tone Indicators By Neurodivergent Community in Twitter
Miscommunication happens often in social media, especially in text-based environment where tone can be non-existent for the readers. Tone indicators are introduced to help ease the process of message interpretation by indicating the tone or context delivered in text. The neurodivergent community has found this tool to be beneficial and utilise it in their day-to-day communication in social media, especially Twitter where the majority of content comes in text. This study presents a qualitative analysis of how the community the define tone indicators through interaction symbolic theory. The result indicated that tone indicators not only helped clarify the tone or context in text, but also emphasized the expression or emotion conveyed as well as minimizing the misinterpretation of messages. Tone indicators had also shaped the behaviour taken during communication online and provide an inclusive digital space. Result has provided insights on the community and tone indicators in social media.
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