Review of the Problem in Political Journalism
The article examines Haji Muin’s political journalism as a modern thinker. The publications published following the February revolution, the attitude toward the Bolsheviks, and the processes of the Soviet press establishment were all investigated. Based on his works published in the press, the political beliefs of the modern enlightener Haji Muin were explored in these processes.
2. Fitrat. Saylov munosabati bilan // Hurriyat. 23 avgust, 1917.
3. Fitrat. Shroi islomning xatosi // Hurriyat. 1–dekabr, 1917.
4. Sadriddin Ayniy. Mahmudxo‘ja Behbudiy hazratlarining qisqacha tarjimai holi // Mehnatkashlar tovushi. 8–aprel, 1920.
5. Abdurauf Fitrat. Siyosiy hollar // Hurriyat. 1917. 8–noyabr.
6. Mahmudxo‘ja Behbudiy. Tanlangan asarlar. – T.: Ma’naviyat, 1999. 149–bet.
7. Hoji Muin. Bolsheviklar va biz // Hurriyat. 1–yanvar, 1917.
8. Hoji Muin. Namoyish to‘g‘risida // Hurriyat. 16–dekabr, 1917.
9. Mahmudxo‘ja Behbudiy. Turkiston muxtoriyati // Hurriyat. 22–dekabr, 1917.
10. Hoji Muin So‘z, qaror va ish // Mehnatkashlar tovushi. 26 may, 1921.

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