Increasing Production Capacity Through Automatic Forging Machinery for Blacksmith Msmes in Sumberpasir Village
Sumberpasir Village, Pakis Subdistrict has various types of MSMEs, one of which is a blacksmith MSME. The products produced include agricultural tools such as knives, hoes, sickles (scythes), and other iron products. In both quality and quantity, the blacksmith MSMEs of Sumberpasir village have not been able to meet the demands of the market. This is because the production process still relies on human labor, especially in the forging process. Community service activities aim to increase the production capacity of blacksmith MSMEs in Sumberpasir Village through the use of iron forging machines. This community service activity was conducted in the Sumberpasir Village Office Hall. This activity includes socialization of the application of iron forging machines. The method used is discussion and counseling related to how to work and how to maintain machines for blacksmith MSMEs. This activity has 2 stages, starting from designing an automatic blacksmith machine, then continuing with machine socialization. In this socialization, MSME actors are expected to be able to understand, use, and maintain iron forging machines properly and correctly. The result of this activity is that MSME actors can meet market needs with quality products with adequate quantity.
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