Development of E-Commerce Application Using Customer Relationship Management to Increase the Turnover of Bendosewu Farmers
The Tawang Makmur is a farmer group in Bendosewu Village, Blitar, Indonesia who still relies heavily on collectors to sell their crops. During the harvest season, farmers sell their agricultural products at prices that have been determined by collectors which are very low and inversely proportional to when the price is in the hands of consumers. This causes the turnover obtained by farmers from agricultural products to be low. The purpose of this service activity is to develop an e-commerce application using a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategy to increase the turnover of farmers in Bendosewu Village. E-commerce applications are built using the Laravel framework. The method used is the stages of preparation, system development, socialization, and evaluation. The result of this service is the development of e-commerce applications using a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategy. The e-commerce application that was built provides various features such as product management, transactions, product orders, product promotions, payments, questionnaires, FAQs, suggestions, and questions. In addition, the result of this service is the formation of understanding and skills of farmer group managers to manage e-commerce applications to support the increased agricultural productivity of these farmer groups.
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