Study of Behavior and the Meaning of Change for Local Communities in the Batu Hijau Mine Area, West Sumbawa
This study aims to uncover and explain the meaning of change (development) for local communities, behavioral changes that occur in local communities, and what are the ideal expectations of local communities after the Batu Hijau mining company took place. This study uses qualitative methods and data collection by: in-depth interviews, involved observation and review of relevant documents. Data analysis used an interactive model and the validity of the data was controlled by triangulation. The results of the study show: (1) the local community interprets change as an improvement in living standards while maintaining the values and norms that have been adopted. (2) The presence of the Batu Hijau mining company has led to a transformation of the social behavior of the local community in general but not to the point of eliminating the basic principles of behavior originating from religious values and local traditions. The indications are: 1) the traditional knowledge system (indegenous knowledge) is not used as much in the decision to behave as before 2) the local value system and norms are reduced in their binding power and embracing power to the younger generation, 3) the social behavior and orientation of the cultural values of the local community has reflected the community. open and economically oriented. (3) The ideal hope of the local community is the realization of an environmental conservation system, the availability of job opportunities and business opportunities that become a vehicle for community interaction and the realization of the former mining area as an educational tourism area based on sustainable forest ecology.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Lalu Wiresapta Karyadi, Ridwan Ridwan, Nuning Juniarsih

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