Synergy Law Enforcement Apparatus in Emposing a Restorative Justice Model Towards Children
A child dealing with a further law referred to as "child" was anyone who had reached the age of 12 (twelve), but not as yet as 18 (eighteen) years of a supposed crime. The study USES a qualitative descriptive analysis approach that can explain genuine law enforcement officials can collaborate to achieve a reality of Efficient coordination in children dealing with the law with various methods and procedures in the application of a restorative justice model. Construction system of criminal law enforcement with its own restorative justice model That has been implemented today. Synergy among the three key elements in the criminal law enforcement system both from the police, the prosecutor and the Supreme Court in this case the prosecutor police and judges already have a legal or legal standing in each case in its implementation. Although in terms of mechanisms, Classification of crimes, and ordinances that could be different. However, spirit and focus on criminal change into a discussion and/or mediation that involve parties of the perpetrator, victim, family of the perpetrator, or any other party involved in child abuse are subject to the law. As for the purpose of this mechanism, it is to create an alternative justice of criminal justice by focusing on restoration efforts and reintegration of public relations in them.
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