Mentoring for Developing Teachers’ Specialised Knowledge of Mathematics Pre-Service Teachers at the Intermediate Phase
This study was conducted to explore the link between mentoring of intermediate phase pre-service teachers of mathematics and the development of mathematics teachers' specialised knowledge (MTSK). The focus is on how the teaching practice (TP) program (Practicum) provides an opportunity for the development of mathematical teachers’ specialised knowledge (MSTK) for pre-service teachers. The qualitative research approach was employed for data collection and then analysed through the thematic narrative analysis technique and categorised into MTSK sub-domains. Data revealed that mathematics mentors, in the intermediate phases, did not attempt to develop pre-service teachers’ mathematical teacher's specialised knowledge (MTSK), thus negatively impacting building a comprehensive conceptual framework of effective Mathematics teaching practice. Data also revealed that the mathematics mentors are not mathematics specialists; they lack mathematical specialised content knowledge (MSCK) and mathematics pedagogical content knowledge (MPCK). The study recommends that mathematics mentoring be based on mathematics specialisation; that is, teachers who majored in mathematics strictly should be mathematics mentors. Further, they should be competent and possess mathematical expertise, commitment, and time to assist pre-service mathematics teachers during practicum. The development of MTSK and its approaches and techniques for mathematics teaching and learning should also be emphasised during the mentoring process.
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