Factors That Affect Learning of Children with Disabilities in Selected Inclusive Primary Schools in the Northern Region of Sierra Leone
The study centered on the factors affecting children with disabilities in the Northern Region of Sierra Leone through ascertaining teachers and CWDs perspectives on school and teacher-based factors. The study employed a quantitative survey approach involving the administering of questionnaires and conducting of interviews. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics. The study revealed that the schools lacked the neccessary resources such as disabled friendly structures, assistive devices and teaching and learning materials that could enhance learning for CWDs. Most of the teachers have problem in relation to meeting the education needs of CWDs due to inadequacies in skills and training. There is also need for curriculum content reform to meet the needs of learners with special needs. It is recommended that capacity gaps of teachers be addressed through pre and in-service training; barrier free and disabled friendly environment; physical infrastrures to be improved to attain the government educational goals and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS)
Copyright (c) 2023 Abubakar Lamin

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