The Influence of Entrepreneurial Knowledge, Competence, and Information Technology Development on Small Medium Enterprises Success
In running their business, business owners need to have entrepreneurial knowledge to add quality to achieve business success. A successful entrepreneur must also have the knowledge, skills, attitudes, motivation, and behavior necessary for his business to develop properly. This study aims to determine the influence of Entrepreneurial Knowledge, Competence, and IT Development on the Success of SMEs. The population of this study is all SMEs in Lampung. It was studied by taking samples by purposive sampling of as many as 80 SMEs in Bandar Lampung. The data collection technique in this study was carried out by distributing questionnaires both online and offline to related samples. The data that has been obtained is then processed using the help of Smart PLS-SEM software. The results showed that the hypothesis of study 1 which said, "There is a significant positive influence between entrepreneurial knowledge on the success of SMEs" is not accepted.The hypothesis of research 2 which says, "There is a significant positive influence between the competencies possessed by an entrepreneur on the success of SMEs" is accepted. On the track that shows the influence of IT Development on SME Success, it shows that the hypothesis of research 3 which says, "There is a significant positive influence between IT Development on SME success " is accepted. Thus, it is hoped that SMEs can continue to improve IT competence and development because these two things will encourage the success of SMEs.
Copyright (c) 2023 Nur Hidayah, Rodhiah Rodhiah

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