The Occurrence of Lexical–Semantic Relationships in Iskhak Khan Ibrat’s Works

  • Murotali Mannobovich Latipov Independent Researcher, Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Semantics; Sememe; Stylistic Meaning; Grammatical Meaning; Homonymy; Antonymy; Antithesis; Opposition; Expressiveness; Lexical–Semantic Antonyms; Functional–Semantic Antonyms; Contextual Antonyms


The study investigates the semantic manifestation of homonymous and antonymous words in the prose, poetry, and journalistic works of an enlightened jadid writer Iskhak Khan Ibrat. The genetic basis and structure of homonymous lexemes utilized in the lexicon of literary works are examined here, as well as the methodical use of lexical and functional–semantic antonyms in the text of literary works.


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How to Cite
Latipov, M. M. (2023). The Occurrence of Lexical–Semantic Relationships in Iskhak Khan Ibrat’s Works. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 6(2), 576-581.