The Urgency of Upholding the Election Organizer Code of Ethics in Facing Concurrent General Elections and Concurrent Regional Head National 2024
General election (election) is one method of channelling people's aspirations. Every government that claims to be democratic should be able to organize elections in a democratic manner, because democratic elections are an important pillar in a modern democratic system. In 2024, Indonesia will hold concurrent national elections and regional head elections (pilkada) throughout the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). However, elections and head regional elections has a number of challenges that make this difficult to accomplish. One of them is the ethical problem that must be faced by election organizers. The presence of DKPP as a spearhead in enforcing the code of ethics of election organizers, serves to handle alleged violations of KEPP election organizers in Indonesia. Up until this point, the presence of the DKPP has been critical in realizing the staging of democratic elections, since the adage “no democratic elections without quality organizers” applies perfectly to the current scenario. The formulation of the problem of this research consists of: 1) setting the code of ethics and code of conduct for election organizers, 2) the urgency of enforcing the code of ethics and code of conduct for election organizers, 3) strategies and innovations in enforcing the code of ethics and code of conduct for election organizers. This research was conducted using the juridical-normative research method. Research conducted in a juridical-normative way conceptualizes law as what is written in laws and regulations (law in books) or law as a rule or norm which is a standard of human behavior that is considered appropriate. Primary data in this study were obtained using library research, while secondary data in this study were obtained using field studies. The results of this study indicate that, first, the code of ethics and guidelines for the conduct of election administrators in Indonesia have been regulated in the Election Law and DKPP regulations, both the material ethical substance and the formal ethics. Second, enforcement of KEPP is very important in maintaining the independence, integrity and credibility of election organizers so as to produce democratic and legitimate elections and head regional elections. Third, there is a need for strategies and innovations for enforcement of KEPP election organizers in the implementation of the 2024 national concurrent elections and head regional elections in the form of optimizing prevention and prosecution, as well as utilizing information and communication technology (ICT) so that it becomes more effective.
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