The Urgency of the Establishment Peraturan Daerah of Gorontalo Regency Regional Regulation on the Use of Public Roads and Special Roads for Transportation of Mining and Plantation Products

  • Mohamad Hidayat Muhtar Faculty of Law, Gorontalo State University, Indonesia
  • Rahmat Teguh Santoso Gobel IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo, Indonesia
Keywords: Local Regulation; Road; Mining; Plantation


Local regulation is one of the authorities of the local government as part of the division of authority into the spirit of reform in 1998. One of its functions is that the region can be independent in regulating its own region, but apart from that there are still many problems in the regions that need regional legislation, for example in Gorontalo Regency which requires regional regulations regarding the use of public roads and special roads for transportation of mining and plantation products. This is important because the effect of regional progress has implications in the use of increasingly congested roads. The disadvantage is that the intensity of transport vehicles makes many roads in Gorontalo Regency damaged. Therefore, further arrangements need to be structured in the management of mining and plantation products. The purpose of the study is to look at the problem of the urgency of the establishment of regional regulations on the use of public roads and special roads for transportation of mining and plantation products in Gorontalo Regency and the implications of the establishment of regional regulations on the use of public roads and special roads for transportation of mining and plantation products in Gorontalo Regency. The research method uses the type of normative research with the approach of legislation. The results showed that the data showed the intensity of the use of public roads has implications for road damage in Gorontalo Regency. In addition, the implications for the formation of this regional regulation is to create good governance of mining and plantation transportation.


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How to Cite
Muhtar, M. H., & Gobel, R. T. S. (2023). The Urgency of the Establishment Peraturan Daerah of Gorontalo Regency Regional Regulation on the Use of Public Roads and Special Roads for Transportation of Mining and Plantation Products. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 6(2), 444-454.