Transcendental-Based Symbolic Meanings in the Construction of Round Houses of the Nomleni Feto – Mone Tribe, South Central Timor District, Indonesia
This article talks about one of the folklore traditions of the Nomleni Mone - Feto tribal clan in Oenlasi Village which still preserves the making of round houses as a local wisdom of the community, no matter how big the traditional house of the Timorese people is, it is obligatory to have a round house as a symbol of kinship values among related tribes in inside. The construction of a round house is a symbol of the social activity of the people who have their own beliefs called the ruler of the upper realms or the ruler of the sky (Uis Neno), the ruler of the earth Uis Pah and Uis Afu "Uis" comes from the word "Usif" which means Lord or God, in making round house of the Nomleni Mone-Feto tribe so that in this context it shows a transcendental-based symbolic meaning.
Based on the background above, the researcher can formulate the main problem as follows: What is the Transcendental Value-based Symbolic Meaning in the Construction of Round Houses of the Clen Nomleni Feto - Mone Tribe in Oenlasi Village, Kie District, South Central Timor Regency?
The method in this research is observation technique, interview, documentation and analyzed holistically in accordance with the research objectives. This research will describe the symbolic meaning in making a round house.
Based on the discussion it can be concluded; The symbolic meaning in the construction of round houses are local beliefs and traditions as a form of human effort to connect themselves with the Creator as a form of effort to establish harmonious relationships between humans and the natural surroundings so that mutual respect and tolerance are realized between people and the universe. It is in this context that the transcendental-based symbolic meaning in the construction of the round house is embodied in the belief of the Nomleni Mone-Feto people that humans who inhabit the lower realms should be able to maintain relationships horizontally with other creatures of the underworld and vertically with the rulers of the upper realm (neno tunan). called Uis Neno and the inhabitants of the spirit world are the spirits of the ancestors (nitu).
Copyright (c) 2023 Idris idris, Zulkhaedir Abdussamad, Siti Syahida Nurani, Nurdin Nurdin

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