Implementation of School-Based Management (MBS) at Nusa Alam School (ISS Lombok)
The purpose of this study is to describe planning, describe the implementation, and identify evaluations in the implementation of MBS at Nusa Alam School (ISS Lombok). This qualitative research uses a phenomenological approach. The focus of the research is the Pattern of MbS Application in Improving the Quality of Educators in Nusa Alam School. The types of data studied are interviews, observations, and documentation sourced from the research area, namely Nusa Alam School. The subjects who became informants in the study were principals, teachers, committee chairmen, students, and parental representatives. The data collection techniques in this study are: (1) unstructured interviews, (2) participatory observations participate, (3) document studies. Data analysis consists of three paths of activity that occur simultaneously: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion withdrawal or verification. The data validity examination in this study includes four techniques, namely credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. The results showed that: 1) MBS Planning at Nusa Alam School was carried out by the Principal by: a) appointing a Coordinator and forming a Team; b) meeting and Formulating MBS Activities d) Socialization of MBS policies that have been formulated to all parties in Nusa Alam School. 2) The implementation of MBS at Nusa Alam School is carried out collaboratively between the Principal and 3 teams implementing activities with; a) formulate a job description b) make sk the task of implementing MBS. 3) Evaluation of MBS management in Nusa Alam School is carried out through evaluation of processes and results. Program evaluation action is carried out by: 1) Evaluation of processes such as a) Principal monitoring the implementation process of MBS b) Head of Finance monitoring the implementation of activities that have been formulated c) Principal, Coordinator and Team conduct intensive communication. 2) Evaluation of results such as a) The team makes a report on the results of mbs b) the principal conducts an evaluation meeting with the Coordinator and team c) the principal conducts appraisal (performance assessment).
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