The Action of Criminal Law in Time, In Space and to Persons

  • Rinesë Osmanollaj Student in Faculty of Law / UBT - Higher Education Institution, Pristina, Republic of Kosovo
Keywords: Penal Code; Penal Act; Extradition; Retroactive Law; Criminal Legislation; The Operation of Criminal Laws in Time; The Universal Principle; The Passive Principle


Criminal law is a system of law that presents sanctions or punishments against those who commit crimes. The need for criminal law and the criminal code is always present in a democratic state, for the reason that a democratic state functions in the best possible way and for that country to offer a better and safer life to its citizens the penal code must be applied. In this paper, more extensive space will be devoted to the operation of the criminal law in time, in space and to people also a more special importance will be given to extradition where it will be explained in more detail. This paper aims to inform the readers more about the aforementioned criminal laws, in order to have as much knowledge as possible about them and the activity they perform. The criminal laws that will be elaborated in this paper have a special importance in content because they are special in themselves, they are laws that must be firmly embedded in the mind so that we do not have problems and violations of legal provision. This paper is served to all those people who want to expand their knowledge on the topic which is elaborated in the paper. The main purpose of this paper is that its contents serve lawyers or criminal law researchers. After reading this paper, the readers will be better informed about the elaborated topic.


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How to Cite
Osmanollaj, R. (2023). The Action of Criminal Law in Time, In Space and to Persons. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 6(2), 398-407.