YouTube Content as a Warranty Object
This thesis aims to find out and analyze the regulation of YouTube content as an object of collateral for material rights at the Bank and to analyze the Bank's considerations in assessing YouTube content as an object of collateral for debt at the Bank. The legal materials in this study are primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials using normative legal research methods. The basic regulatory basis for YouTube content as an object of guarantee for material rights at the Bank is regulated in Government Regulation Number 24 of 2022 concerning Regulations for the Implementation of Law Number 24 of 2019 concerning the Creative Economy Article 9 paragraphs (1) and (2) and the Bank's considerations in assessing YouTube content as a debt guarantee object at the Bank that cannot be implemented because it has a risk of collateral objects for intellectual property in the form of YouTube content which is difficult to execute if the debtor is in default and other considerations that the banking financial institution has not issued operational technical instructions relating to how to bind credit to objects fiduciary guarantee of intellectual property in the form of YouTube content.
Copyright (c) 2024 Meidiana Cahya Nugraheni Putri, Kurniawan Kurniawan, Lalu Wira Pria Suhartana

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