Policy of Providing Health Protection During the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Town of Semarang
Health workers are at the forefront of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. It is very important for health workers to be at the forefront of handling positive patients infected with the Covid-19 virus. Called as the front line in handling Covid-19 because health workers directly deal with patients exposed to Covid-19. The risk of exposure to health workers due to the Covid-19 virus to cause death. With a high risk for health workers from being exposed to Covid-19 to cause death, the government takes a firm policy to provide prevention and assistance so that health workers can be protected from Covid-19. The policy given by the Semarang City government for health workers is to provide insurance protection for health workers who help patients exposed to Covid-19. The government issued Presidential Decree No. 2/2020 and Circular Letter of the Minister of Manpower Number M/8/HK.04/V/2020, and Kepmenkes No. HK.01.07/MENKES/392/2020, and Kepmenkes No. HK. 01.07/MENKES/215/2020. In providing incentives and death compensation, the Semarang City government claims to have disbursed incentive funds for health workers who handle Covid-19. The government also provides a large amount of incentives and death compensation to health workers in hospitals or health centers.
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